2008年4月17日 星期四

Openmoko project

今天看到Fred's blog

OpenMoko Neo1973 解放軍起死回生

看到他說他拿到一台Neo 1973

忍不住讓我問了他如何得到一台 Neo 1937

隨後在OpenMoko FAQ發現購買的地方

Q: When and where can I buy a Neo1973?

A: The OpenMoko Neo 1973 is now sold out (11 Feb 2008) as you can see at the web shop. You must wait til the Neo FreeRunner is released...

第二代的機器 Neo FreeRunner

硬體規格 you can find the latest information about Neo FreeRunner on OpenMoko:Community Portal
你可以去填上你是不是想要購買的意願 用nickname instead of realname
you can also find the information on http://openmoko.hobby-site.com/freerunner/answers/
我猜他第一次可以賣20萬台 ccc


Q: How much?

A: Neo1973 (Internal code name GTA01B_v04): $300 for Neo Base, $399 for Neo Advanced. Available now. See Neo1973 for what is included.

A: Freerunner (Internal code name GTA02): $450 for Neo Base, $600 for Neo Advanced. To be confirmed when released(!).

今天看到硬體也開放平台 (可能早就有了 只是我之前沒注意)

是一個OpenSource的計畫 based on GPL and LGPL License.
目標是希望build 一個平台 可以執行完整的X server and its all application.
還強調是 first and free.
Support list you can find on this page -OpenMoko-supported hardware

Openmoko MainPage
Openmoko's FAQ

