2008年11月9日 星期日

rapi tools


riap tools


這是作者 對於其工具的敘述
A collection of tools to do many things to a windows CE device via Activesync/RAPI.
These tools should work on most CE devices, tested on Ipaq, XDA(Wallaby), XDA-II(Himalaya), XDA-IIs(Blueangel), MDA Compact(Magician), i-mate SP3, i-mate SP3i, Yakumo P300, MPx200, Voq, Mitac Mio, Mitac Megas. with PocketPC 2002, PocketPC 2003, Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition, Smartphone 2002, Smartphone 2003, smartphone 2005, windows mobile 2005. ( wince 3.0 and wince 4.2 and wince 5.0 )

pps        - dumps active wince processes
pdblist - dumps wince databases
pdel - delete wince file
pdir - list wince directory
pmkdir - create wince directory
pget - copy file from wince
pkill - kill wince process
preboot - reboot wince device
ppostmsg - send/post windows msgs to wince windows
pmemdump - copy memory block from wince
psetmem - set RAM memory location in your device
pmemmap - list available memory blocks on wince
pput - copy file to wince
pregutl - manipulate the wince registry
prun - run program in wince
dump - hexdump local file.
pdebug - capture debugoutput of processes
pdocread - raw read from disk-on-chip in your device
pdocwrite - raw write from disk-on-chip in your device
psdread - raw read from sd card in your device
psdwrite - raw write to the sd card in your device
pnewbmp - write new bootsplash bitmap to rom
pnewbootloader - replace your bootloader
prapi - interface to wince provisioning config api

